33rd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics Monday 24th - Friday 28th of May 2010 - Opatija/Ajbbazia, Adriatic Coast, Croatia Grand Hotel Adriatic Convention Centre and Hotel Admiral
The 33rd International Convention MIPRO is devoted to information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics. We are convinced that MIPRO 2010 will bring together more than a thousand participants from commerce, science, education, state and local administration, government and local self-government from Croatia and abroad. GVS - Grid and Visualization Systems Conference The conference is devoted to presenting and exploring scientific and technological advancements and original innovative applications in the field of Grid and Visualisation systems. Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to: Grid related topics: - Grid systems
- Grid applications
- Cluster computing
- Parallel Program Development
- Web and Grid services
- Distributed applications on the WWW
- Web Services Applications
- Network supported cooperative work
- Virtual organisations
- e-Science technologies
- Multimedia and hypermedia technologies
Visualisation related topics: - Scientific visualization
- Visualization in engineering and medicine
- Parallel visualization methods and algorithms
- Distributed visualization
- Visualization processing and systems
- Parallel Modelling and Rendering
- Computer interaction and vision Applications
- Computer-Aided Design
- Visual data analyses
- Visual analytics
As an addition to the conference, presentation of electronics products is welcome as well. Official language - English. Source: http://www.mipro.hr/Home/tabid/36/language/en-US/Default.aspx