atomarium - Micro World Visualisation Ever growing resolution in observing the world has reached nanometers and picoseconds. Instruments like microscopes provide us with unsatisfying images of matter. We must use other ways to visualize the micro world. At ICT 2008 Conference in Lyon, ATOMARIUM was announced on 3D Display from Holografika. Holografika won second prize in "Best Exhibit" Award.
[youtube:]Generating of micro world images by computer rendering using Grid jobs, collection, storage, searching and visualization represent a new technological and civilization pattern. Using them, we create data on invisible structures and processes which we cannot see through immediate perception. This type of micro world visualization will significantly improve and fasten the spreading of knowledge. Technical intelligence will grow and develop new data for more credible presentation of the micro world in our daily lives. Atomarium is an idea that has the ability to change the world, or at least help a lot of people to grant more access to education and understand the basis of the micro world visualizations. Atomarium starts from laboratories and universities but its final goal is visual satisfaction of invisible micro world for the whole population of the world. Atomarium is a public peripheral interface which can display 2D and 3D generated images and animations of micro world according to the customer's wishes. {gallery}ictlyon{/gallery} |