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3D display cube creates images in real-time

Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology has unveiled a new handheld, 3D communications tool. The gCubik, developed by the NICT earlier in the year, reproduces 3D images, inside a 10cm-per-side cube, that are viewable without special glasses. Now, the gCubik+i can generate the images in real-time allowing them to be manipulated using touchscreen panels and on-board motion sensors.
Basic principles
VEPPAR primarily integrates several Grid Service Library Applications:


Experimental data acquired from NMR, X-ray diffraction and other experimental methods are usually stored into formatted files called PDB files that can be found at

Searching through PDB files and extracting or visually representing the results, usually requires a lot of programming or using a variety of software. To make these tasks easier we created the relational model of a database, and our web interface, which enables the user to send queries to database, retrieve the results, export them into ASCII text format or POV-Ray format and send them to a computer grid for rendering the animation.

The work on QRBG Service has been motivated by scientific necessity (primarily of local scientific community) of running various simulations (in cluster/Grid environments), whose results are often greatly affected by quality (distribution, nondeterminism, entropy, etc.) of used random numbers. Since true random numbers are impossible to generate with a finite state machine (such as today's computers), scientists are forced to either use specialized expensive hardware number generators, or, more frequently, to content themselves with suboptimal solutions (like pseudo-random numbers generators). 
Virtue is a Grid Service Library Application Mathematical Processor. It is a “very low level” (actually Reversed Polish Notation stack based language and its processor) mathematical processor developed for parallel execution (on SMP, cluster(s) and Grid(s)) of complex mathematical, statistical and general algorithms.
The Persistence of Vision Raytracer is a cross-platform application that implements the raytracing algorithm for simulating the physical behaviour of light utilizing software based mathematical models. It can be used to generate photorealistic images that resemble objects as results of simulations. PovRay is, in the framework of VEPPAR, used as a Grid Service Library Application. See:

 Visualization and art

hologram-diesel Cheoptics hologram Playground
Brain nessie
Diesel fashion show
Cheoptics Hologram
 Polygon Playground
Revolutionary Hologram