Slide show

Emotion Recognition and its Aesthetic Interpretation 

It is well known that facial expressions are the most powerful tools for communicating human emotions. Describing and measuring emotions has always been quite a challenge in many aspects of evolution of arts and technology development.

CenVis Laboratory
3D Lab

Cenvis laboratory

The current state of art of scientific visualisation technologies is such that there is a huge number of different programs, applications and subsystems that provide visual presentation of data, but there is no standard approach which would provide a unique framework within which one could easily and efficiently connect completely dissimilar data output formats of various scientific application from different scientific fields within an intelligible presentation of these data on 2D or 3D display systems, statically or dynamically, in delayed or real time.

3D Visual room

There is almost no science domain where modelling and simulation using the most modern computing equipment does not play a decisive role in the realisation of scientific work. Considering the modern science development, systems needed for data gathering, processing and presentation using such equipment become more and more complex. To allow this huge quantity of new data to be utilised, it is imperative to provide the scientists, within the framework of e-Science technology, with an environment, such as a 3D Visual room, where data can be displayed by scientific visualisation methods simply, actively and attractively, to facilitate the use of Visual Analytics.


 CenVis system room

System room will be used as an e-Infrastructure that will serve the research and educational needs of the scientific communities and end-users. It will be sustainable both at national and regional level in its operation and will have a multi-disciplinary nature in encouraging and supporting e-Science applications among diverse technology domains in order to ensure that the  project results are effectively exploited and used.


 On the pitcure below you can see the layout of the facility with marked positions of the equipment that is planned to be used. 


Room quadrature: 44,28 m2




 Visualization and art

hologram-diesel Cheoptics hologram Playground
Brain nessie
Diesel fashion show
Cheoptics Hologram
 Polygon Playground
Revolutionary Hologram