European projects: DARIAH – Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
DARIAH is a project to support the digitisation of data. We will provide the research infrastructure for digital research and preservation and thus... Read more.. EGEE - Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
EGEE is the largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure in the world, which brings together more than 140 institutions to.. Read more..
SEE-GRID - South Eastern European GRid-enabled einfrastructure Development SEE-GRID intends to provide specific support actions to pave the way towards the participation of the SE European countries to.. Read more.. SEE-GRID-SCI(SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for regional eScience)
SEE-GRID-SCI is a 2 year project co-funded by the European Commission, starting on 01/05/2008. eInfrastructure in Europe has reached.. Read more.. VEPPAR
VEPPAR is a Grid Service Library Applications Framework for scientific visualisations. It's main idea is to provide a.. Read more.. Croatian projects:GVS - GRID AND VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS GVS is a conference devoted to presenting and exploring scientific and technological advancements and original innovative applications in the field of Grid and Visualisation systems. Read more.. ELMAR - Electronics in Marine
ELMAR is a conference with 50 years long tradition that deals with image and video processing, multimedia communications, and navigation in marine. Read more.. IVAB - Interactive Visual Analysis of Bio-signals
Project has two main goals. We would like to implement a public data base of the existing multi-channel ECG measurements, together with tools for visualization and.. Read more..