Slide show

Cheoptics360: the future of 3D video is here 

Forget what you know about lenticular-based 3D displays, holograms, and even those "real" 3D image projectors being toyed around with in Japan. 


The Objectives of the project will be achieved by the set of SSA activities in the areas of networking, improvement of human recourses, exchange of personnel, visiting researchers, and equipment acquisition, all in the framework of the Centers continuous development and integration with European leading international institutions and Centers of Excellence.

The main objectives of the CenVis Project are:

Objective 1.

Securing Sustainable Development and Operation

Objective 2.

Upgrading the existing e-infrastructure


Sub-Objective 2.1.

Enhancement of the existing network storage


Sub-Objective 2.2.

Establish the visualization Center and laboratory


Sub-Objective 2.3.

Possible or potential improvement of the lecture auditorium

Objective 3.

Strenghtening the regional and national Human Network


Sub-Objective 3.1.

Train young employed experts twoards e-Science


Sub-Objective 3.2.

Promote usage of modern -Science methodology



 Visualization and art

hologram-diesel Cheoptics hologram Playground
Brain nessie
Diesel fashion show
Cheoptics Hologram
 Polygon Playground
Revolutionary Hologram