Emotion Recognition and its Aesthetic Interpretation
It is well known that facial expressions are the most powerful tools for communicating human emotions. Describing and measuring emotions has always been quite a challenge in many aspects of evolution of arts and technology development.
During its period of two years the Centre for Scientific Visualization Project has gone through a series of stages leading to the final establishment of an scientific, interactive visualization environment . Its upraise started with adaptation of RBI facilities that was organized in order to insure safe, comfortable, dynamic and innovative surroundings were young scientists would be encouraged to foster new ideas and implement them. Facilities were then equipped with a range of 3D visualization technology from autostereoscopic displays to projectors, scanners, printers, data tracking gloves and other creating a platform for future training and development programs. Project ended 1st April 2009.
About the Project
The Center for Scientific Visualization is a project, financed by the 6th EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6), which is seeking to map a new progress step towards the stabilisation and reinforcement of the Western Balkan Countries research potential trough the establishment of the state-of-the-art research and education centre for scientific visualization upon existing e-infrastructure research capabilities of the Centre of Information and Computing of Rudjer Boskovic Institute.